Monday, December 7, 2015


So I'm finally au courant with my posts, and I'm about to hit the hay.  I've had so many fantasies over the past few years about staying in bed all day.  BY MYSELF!  Sexy right? I just want a total jammy fest with lots of snoozing and lounging around with a remote. I can schedule the occasional weekend away, but why is it so hard to just give myself the gift of true rest?  And I know I'm not alone. Maybe I'll order these in an effort to a) Increase the number of my matching pajama sets by 50% (I've got two and whenever I wear them I definitely feel like I rule the world) and b) set my intention to the universe that said sloth weekend WILL happen in 2016.  Or maybe I'll just wait til after Christmas and try to snag this pair on sale.  Either way, here's wishing you lots of rest in the Advent season and in the year to come! This guy still gets enough...

If they can do it, so can we!

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