Happy Holy Night everybody! Here's a shot of our live Christmas tree, which my German husband insists on every year. It's like Christmas roulette having two toddlers, a mound of presents, a real tree, and candles burning everywhere. So relaxing, right? But in truth, so beautiful. All said, I wouldn't change a thing.

One of the coolest Christmas gifts I ever received was
this gorgeous book from Madeline L'Engle. It's a beautiful narrative, written with clarity and pared down in a way that really illuminates the beauty of the Christian story. I will leave you with her words tonight:
And so the life of Jesus began as it would end, with the impossible. When he was a grown man he would say to his disciples, "For human beings it is impossible. For God nothing is impossible." Possible things are easy to believe. The Glorious Impossibles are what bring joy to our hearts, hope to our lives, songs to our lips.
-Madeline L'Engle, The Glorious Impossible
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