When I consider aging, I think a lot in terms of decades. What can I expect my life to be in each decade? How glad am I not to be in my twenties anymore? And how much am I looking forward to my forties? I found this
little piece of fluff from an online British publication and chuckled, though I agreed with a lot of what they said. Or at least I would agree in theory if my thirties hadn't been almost solely dedicated to gestating, birthing, nursing, diapering and running after children. It's been an awesome decade, but very labor intensive, making me seriously psyched about my forties. But never fear! The same site had
this to say about why THEY will be our best decade by far. Admittedly, they were a little less convincing, siting things like "nobody gives a toss what you look like" as one of their reasons, leading me to believe all the people working for them are probably 22 and fantasizing about what in the hell it might be like to grow up.
On a side note, they also had this picece up on their site:
27 Tweets about tequila that everyone regretting their life choices will relate to
and this one, not to be missed,
You can now buy condiment's for your pet's food
Hope you are having a wonderful advent. More soon! Lots more. Advent is going fast!
Here's the little nugget who helped kick my thirties party off. And this is pretty much how I've felt ever since. Up to my neck in it! |
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