This month, our summer travels have come to an end and we aren’t expecting guests for a while, so it’s time to chart a new course. I’m sure people with more discipline than me can navigate the fun while observing healthy and moderate consumption, but as a species I’m just not that highly evolved. At least not yet. Anyone who has functional pointers about indulging while on vacay without blowing it out of the water, please feel free to share.
My goal is to explore/try/research/discuss different ideas relating to wellness that are floating around in the ether right now, and commit myself to avoiding a life of excess and eating much more consciously. I also want to move my ass and breathe deeper while finding ways to marry what sometimes seems the impossible: Health AND Vanity. We’ll see how it goes.
I had a rich conversation with one of my best friends a few months ago about the psychological components of weight loss. Letting go of our extra layers- whether we built them out of protection, depression, negligence, or anger- is also very much about letting go of excess weight in our emotional life. I feel that keenly in my personal and physical life right now, and I’m determined to re-negotiate it.
So I’m starting with my lady pouch. I mentioned in an earlier post that I had a baby 17 months ago, and one of the party favors left over from the pregnancy is a stomach full of sleeping muscles and stored fat that I once heard a trainer refer to as a “lady pouch.” Hmmmm. What might I be hiding in my said pouch, you might ask?
Observations. Lots of them. Like here's one for starters:
There’s no f***ing gender equity in America.
Sure, we’ve got Title IV and company initiatives to try and “balance the boardroom”, but what about the perceived expectations of women in our society outside of the workplace? For many of my working mother friends, it’s not their day jobs that they struggle with. It’s their night jobs- the ones where they come back from an 8 hour shift to manage a household full of people while simultaneously cooking dinner, changing diapers, and paying bills in their down time. Oh, and then there’s the expectation to look more fabulous, be more thin, and have even better skin later in life than any generation before us.
And it would be one thing if the same expectations applied to men, but that’s simply not the case. One job is plenty for them, and their grey hair makes them distinguished. As long as our guy is treating us right, his potbelly (or “sympathy” weight as some people call it during a woman’s pregnancy, actually making the guy come off kind of sweet and sensitive for getting fat) can be celebrated as down right cute.
Take this Nivea ad, for instance:

Seriously? Ads oriented towards women feature extremely thin girls who are then airbrushed to look even more thin and perfect, and contemporary diet gurus are encouraging women to avoid solid food for 30 days and work out 90 minutes a day for six days a week in order to defy genetics and obtain the body we’ve always wanted. And men? What is their gold standard?
Look like you give a damn.
Glad I understand the parameters. That said, I’m about to jump back into this madness and try to stake my claim while unloading, both literally and metaphorically, the proverbial lady pouch. So here’s my attempt to work my way through all the bodycentric madness and simply start trying, like all the dudes around me, to look like I give a damn. Hope you’ll come along for the ride.
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