Saturday, April 11, 2015


My daughter woke up the other morning with the most epic case of bedhead.  Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

This morning I woke up and my soul felt kind of like her hair.  Crazy, frenetic, messy and on edge.  We're trying to adjust to a public school schedule that means we have early mornings with little to no time to feel as calm and present as I'd like with my kids.  As a working mom, I had no idea how precious that extra hour and a half was until I lost it. Now I feel like we barrel into most days, and I spend a lot more time missing the kids. Geez how excited I am for summer.

So after losing my temper with my children while they got dressed, crying in the car, and then eventually making it to work (please tell me this doesn't make me as crazy as I sound), I opened up my email and found this message from a total stranger from whom I'd requested information the day before:


I am following up to make sure you received my fax. Please let me know.

Thank you and I hope you have a day that makes you say, “I really need to keep a diary! That was amazing!” 


For some reason this totally made me laugh and also dig in to remember that every day really does have the potential to be amazing.  Even the ones that start out as cattywampus as my 5 year olds hairdo.  It was such a good way to get my frown turned upside down, and I'm hoping for even more coincidental mantras in the days ahead. 

How do you right a day that starts out all wrong?   I'd love to learn more about people's personal ways to re-set a day, a thought pattern, or an attitude.