Friday, January 30, 2015


Hello world! It's been far too long without a shout for joy so here goes: The New Year is off to a good albeit soul-searching start.  More on that in a longer post.  In the interim, rest assured I am becoming a New Age parody of myself (sipping a smoothie while practicing deep breathing as I walk back to my office after therapy).  You know, THAT sort of thing.  But it's awesome, it's working, and I think I'm putting myself back together after a strangely difficult six months of, well, STUCK.
Stuck sucks
So in the spirit of learning and re-learning the art of mastering self among the complicated web of relationships which we all have occasion to inhabit, I started doing some research on uncanny love and out-of-the box partnerships.  I came across this totally f****** gorgeous article about Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson after their relationship came up in conversation with a friend.  It will warm your heart and break it a tiny bit, all at the same time:

Laurie Anderson's Farewell to Lou Reed

Love.  Good love, bad love, all love.  According to Laurie, paraphrasing Willie, that's what makes the jukebox spin.