Friday, October 31, 2014


Happy Halloween and almost All Souls Day...

from Alice, The Cheshire Cat, and this crazy German Carpenter I picked up nine years ago at Club de Ville and is STILL HANGING AROUND?!

Hope it was equal parts spooky, mysterious, and fun.  Signing off, as my new alter ego:


Hell hath no fury like a Super Mother scorned.  Watch out world.  Here we come.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


 I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be haunted.  Not necessarily in the supernatural way, but more in the way that we encounter our past, near and far, in the traffic of our daily lives.  And how the remnants of days and realities and identities of the past can hover like a stuffed sheet, waiting around every corner to jump out with a big, old fashioned boooooooooooo.   This past year has kicked my ass in so many ways.  In fact, in true 2014 fashion, I even started a post full of jokes about ways in which I can totally tell my ass is being handed to me, like the ways I find myself trying to multitask while using the potty.  Seriously, one time I found myself trying to simultaneously scarf down my dinner while I sat on the can and I was like:  This is a breaking point. Anyway, like so many things in the past year, that particular post didn't happen but here I am again, long overdue yet showing up none the less.  Hopefully that counts for something.

My kids went on a walk tonight with my husband and brought me back this?!?
Then once in a while I get inspired, like this week, which really got the haunting thing going for me.  I am now completely, totally, and officially obsessed with the Austin-based Shakey Graves.  It was a slow fall, but after hearing multiple tracks from him/them, all of which totally drew me in, I heard this little numero which is certainly worth the $1 download from Band Camp: